Exploring Swift Collection Types: Arrays, Sets, and Dictionaries

An overview of the three fundamental collection types in Swift

Vikram Kumar
7 min readOct 28, 2023

Swift, a powerful and elegant programming language, provides a rich set of collection types that make it easier to manage, organize, and manipulate data in your applications. In this article, we’ll delve into Swift’s three fundamental collection types: arrays, sets, and dictionaries. We’ll explore their features, use cases, and provide practical examples to help you harness the full potential of these collections in your Swift projects.

Photo by Jonas Leupe on Unsplash

Introduction to Collection Types

Collection types in Swift are designed to store and manage multiple values in a single entity. Depending on your data organization needs, you can choose from the following three core collection types:

1. Arrays

Arrays are ordered collections of values that can be accessed by an index. They are used to store an ordered sequence of elements of the same type. Arrays in Swift are versatile and can grow or shrink dynamically.

2. Sets

Sets are unordered collections of distinct values. In other words, they ensure that each element appears only once in the collection. Sets are especially useful when you need to perform operations such as testing for membership or ensuring uniqueness of elements.

3. Dictionaries

Dictionaries are collections of key-value pairs. Each element in a dictionary consists of a unique key and an associated value. Dictionaries provide fast look-up and retrieval for values based on their keys.

1. Arrays

In Swift, an array is an ordered collection of elements that are all of the same type. Arrays are flexible and can grow or shrink in size dynamically. They are one of the most commonly used collection types and are indispensable in a wide range of applications.

Declaring an Array

You can declare an array in Swift using the following syntax:

var fruits: [String] = ["Apple", "Banana", "Cherry"]

In this example, we’ve declared an array of strings containing the names of fruits.

Accessing Array Elements

Arrays are indexed collections, which means you can access their elements by specifying an index. Indexing in Swift starts at zero, so the first element is at index 0, the second at index 1, and so on.

let firstFruit = fruits[0] // Access the first element: "Apple"

Modifying Arrays

Arrays are mutable, which means you can modify them by adding, inserting, updating, or removing elements.

Appending Elements

To add an element to the end of the array, you can use the append(_:) method or the += operator:


Inserting Elements

To insert an element at a specific index, you can use the insert(_:at:) method:

fruits.insert("Grape", at: 2)

Updating Elements

You can update an element at a specific index by assigning a new value:

fruits[1] = "Blueberry"

Removing Elements

You can remove elements using the remove(at:) method:

fruits.remove(at: 1)

Array Operations and Functions

Swift arrays provide a plethora of operations and functions to manipulate their contents. Here are a few common ones:


You can get the number of elements in an array using the count property:

let numberOfFruits = fruits.count

Iterating Through an Array

You can iterate through the elements of an array using for-in loops:

for fruit in fruits {


You can filter elements in an array based on a condition using the filter(_:) method:

let longFruitNames = fruits.filter { $0.count > 5 }


Mapping allows you to transform elements in an array using a closure. For example, to capitalize all elements:

let capitalizedFruits = fruits.map { $0.uppercased() }


You can sort the elements of an array using the sort(_:) method:



To reverse the order of elements in an array:

let reversedFruits = fruits.reversed()

2. Sets

Sets in Swift are collections of values that are unique and unordered. This means that each element appears only once in the collection, and the order of elements doesn’t matter. Sets are ideal for situations where you need to ensure that no duplicate values are present.

Declaring a Set

You can declare a set in Swift using the following syntax:

var uniqueNumbers: Set<Int> = [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]
print(uniqueNumbers) // Output: [1, 2, 3]

In this example, we’ve declared a set of integers containing unique numbers.

Testing for Membership

One of the primary uses of sets is to check if an element is a member of the set. You can do this with the contains(_:) method:

let containsFour = uniqueNumbers.contains(4)  // false

Set Operations

Sets in Swift support various set-based operations, making them a powerful tool in your programming toolkit.


The union(_:) method combines two sets to create a new set that contains all unique elements from both sets:

let setA: Set<Int> = [1, 2, 3, 4]
let setB: Set<Int> = [3, 4, 5, 6]

let union = setA.union(setB) // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]


The intersection(_:) method creates a new set that contains elements common to both sets:

let intersection = setA.intersection(setB)  // [3, 4]


The subtracting(_:) method creates a new set that contains elements from the first set that are not in the second set:

let subtracted = setA.subtracting(setB)  // [1, 2]

3. Swift Dictionaries

Dictionaries in Swift are collections of key-value pairs. Each key in a dictionary is unique and maps to a specific value. This key-value mapping makes dictionaries a valuable choice for scenarios where you need to associate data elements with specific identifiers.

Declaring a Dictionary

You can declare a dictionary in Swift using the following syntax:

var scores: [String: Int] = ["Alice": 95, "Bob": 89, "Charlie": 78]

In this example, we’ve declared a dictionary with keys as strings (representing names) and values as integers (representing scores).

Accessing Dictionary Values

You can access the values in a dictionary by specifying the corresponding key:

let aliceScore = scores["Alice"]  // Access the score for Alice: 95

Modifying Dictionaries

Dictionaries are mutable, meaning you can add, update, or remove key-value pairs as needed.

Adding Key-Value Pairs

To add a new key-value pair to the dictionary, you can use subscript assignment:

scores["David"] = 87

Updating Values

You can update the value associated with an existing key by simply reassigning a new value:

scores["Charlie"] = 80

Removing Key-Value Pairs

To remove a key-value pair from the dictionary, use the removeValue(forKey:) method:

scores.removeValue(forKey: "Bob")

Dictionary Operations and Functions

Swift dictionaries provide a range of operations and functions to manipulate their contents. Here are some common ones:


You can determine the number of key-value pairs in a dictionary using the count property:

let numberOfEntries = scores.count

Iterating Through a Dictionary

You can iterate through the key-value pairs of a dictionary using a for-in loop:

for (name, score) in scores {
print("\(name): \(score)")

Keys and Values

You can retrieve all keys or values from a dictionary as arrays:

let allNames = Array(scores.keys)
let allScores = Array(scores.values)


You can filter key-value pairs in a dictionary based on a condition using the filter(_:) method:

let highScorers = scores.filter { $0.value > 90 }


You can merge the contents of two dictionaries using the merge(_:uniquingKeysWith:) method:

let additionalScores = ["Alice": 98, "Eve": 91]
scores.merge(additionalScores) { (current, new) in max(current, new) }

Interview Questions:

List of interview questions related to Swift’s collection types, including arrays, sets, and dictionaries:


  1. What is an array in Swift, and how is it different from other collection types?
  2. How do you declare an array in Swift, and what is the syntax for initializing it with values?
  3. What is the difference between a mutable and an immutable array in Swift?
  4. Explain the significance of an array’s index in Swift.
  5. How do you access elements in an array by their index?
  6. What are some common operations you can perform on arrays in Swift, such as appending, inserting, and removing elements?
  7. Can you explain the difference between using subscripting and methods like append for adding elements to an array?
  8. What is the significance of the count property for arrays, and how do you use it?
  9. Describe scenarios where you might choose to use an array over other collection types.
  10. What is an array’s performance in terms of searching, insertion, and deletion of elements?


  1. What is a set in Swift, and why is it useful for managing data?
  2. How do you declare a set in Swift, and what is the syntax for initializing it with values?
  3. Explain the key characteristics of a set, including uniqueness and order.
  4. What is membership testing, and how is it performed with sets?
  5. What are the primary set operations, and how do you use them in Swift?
  6. Can you provide an example of when you might use set operations like union, intersection, and subtraction?
  7. What is the performance of sets in Swift, particularly in terms of testing for membership?
  8. Compare and contrast sets and arrays, highlighting their unique use cases.
  9. How do you handle optional values when working with sets?
  10. What are some best practices for efficiently working with sets in Swift?


  1. What is a dictionary in Swift, and how does it store data?
  2. Explain the concept of key-value pairs in dictionaries and why they are important.
  3. How do you declare a dictionary in Swift, and what is the syntax for initializing it with key-value pairs?
  4. Describe the significance of keys in dictionaries and how they ensure uniqueness.
  5. How do you access values in a dictionary using their associated keys?
  6. What are some common dictionary operations, such as adding, updating, and removing key-value pairs?
  7. Can you explain the difference between using subscripting and methods like removeValue(forKey:) for manipulating dictionaries?
  8. What is the performance of dictionaries in Swift, especially in terms of look-up and retrieval?
  9. When might you choose to use a dictionary over arrays and sets, and vice versa?
  10. Share some best practices for efficiently working with dictionaries in Swift.


Swift’s collection types, including arrays, sets, and dictionaries, provide a powerful way to manage and manipulate data in your applications. By choosing the right collection type for your specific needs, you can write cleaner and more efficient code. Arrays, sets, and dictionaries are versatile tools in your Swift programming toolkit, and mastering their use will make you a more effective Swift developer.



Vikram Kumar
Vikram Kumar

Written by Vikram Kumar

I am Vikram, a Senior iOS Developer at Matellio Inc. focused on writing clean and efficient code. Complex problem-solver with an analytical and driven mindset.

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